(a) 7 main methods exist for the interiorof dwelling units. Among the 73 residences that wereeligible for analysis, it was confirmed that a-1: 55 hadadded a mezzanine (75.3%), a-2: 60 had added separaterooms (82.2%), a-3: 2 had expanded the residenceto the exterior (2.7%), a-4: 26 had added kitchens /bathrooms (35.6%), a-5: 3 had used the loft (4.1%),a-6: 4 had made the residence high-rise (5.5%) anda-7: 7 had closed the interior stairway (9.6%).
(b) 7 methods exist for the interior of residentialblocks. Among the 47 shophouses that were eligiblefor analysis, it was confirmed that b-1: 14 had interiorizedthe terrace (29.8%), b-2: 7 had appropriatedthe courtyard (14.9%), b-3: 14 had constructed smallrooms on the roof (29.8%), b-4: 23 had privatized corridors(48.9%), b-5: 12 had added stairways in corridors(25.5%), b-6: 20 had added kitchens / bathroomsin corridors (42.6%) and b-7: 1 had closed a stairway(2.1%).
(c) In city block space, it was confirmed that 3 methodsexist. Among the 38 buildings that were eligiblefor analysis, it was confirmed that c-1: 12 had privatizedalleys (31.6%), c-2: 2 had structures that connected the ground floor to an alley (5.3%) and c-3: 5had added stairways to alleys (13.2%).
(d) Between residential blocks, among the 48 buildingsthat were eligible for analysis, it was confirmedthat there were 3 forms of connection: d-1: 6 had connectionsbetween residences (12.5%), d-2: 3 had connectionsbetween residences and the interior of residentialblocks (6.3%) and d-3: 13 had connectionsbetween the interiors of residential blocks (27.1%).
(a) 住戸内部では、a-1:中二階の増築、a-2:個室の増築、a-3:住居の外部拡張、a-4:水回りの増築、a-5:屋根裏の利用、a-6:住居の高層化、a-7:内部階段の封鎖の7つ、(b) 住棟内部では、b-1:テラスの室内化、b-2:中庭の占有、b-3:屋上小屋の建設、b-4:廊下の私有、b-5:廊下に階段増築、b-6:廊下に水回り増築、b-7:階段室の封鎖の7つ、(c) 街区空間では、c-1:路地の私有、c-2:路地と1階の接続、c-3:路地に階段増築の3つ、(d) 住棟間では、d-1:住居どうしの接続、d-2:住居と住棟内部の接続、d-3:住棟内部どうしの接続の3つの手法が見られた。
By organizing the spatial recomposition methods, it was discovered that 8 methods exist : (1) stacked layer, (2) installation of interior floors, (3) addition ofkitchens / bathrooms, (4) appropriation of space outside the dwelling, (5) fencing in space, (6) closing ofstairways, (7) installation of stairways, and (8) removal of walls.