What is Shophouse?

Shophouse as a Urban Housing ショップハウスという都市の器

We can see many shophouses in the centeral district of Phnom Penh. What can be seen in Phnom Penh is modern shophouse which has three or four stories, flat roof, 4 meter wide and about 15 meter or more depth. Though many chinese shophouses which were like the old shophouses seen on Penang and Singapole etc were built on around 1900, they were rebuilt and redesigned by the French before the end of WWII and by the Khmer soon after the end of WWII.

In order to build as many houses as possible which have accesses on a main road, the front width was fixed at 4 meter. By having direct accesses on a main road shophouses can make active townscape which combine lives and business in Phnom Penh.


Shophouse and Townscape

Shophouses which are situated continuously along the roads in Phnom Penh make beautiful and unique townscapes. On the other hand, developments after 90's have been destroying the townscapes. It is necessary to grasp the feature of the townsape to inherit the heritage.
The causes of the beautiful and unique townscapes can be summarized in three points.

道路沿いに連続してならぶショップハウスは、美しくかつ独特な都市景観を作り出している。 しかし90年代以降の開発の進展によって、そうした景観は壊されつつある。プノンペン独自の美しい都市景観を継承していくには、その作り出される要因を明らかにしておくことが大切である。
1. Continuous Facades which consist of flats with 4 meter width x 4 meter height 4mの階高・スパンによる連続ファサード
Though each shophouse was built individually, they made harmonious townscape because they had common codes. Each flat consists of 4 meter width and 4 meter height.
French shophouses designed in 1930's and 1940's had art deco style. We can find wonderful design on the corner, the top and the formation of facade.
Shophouses designed in 1950's and 1960's after the independence are also harmonious. Their style is mixture of art deco and modernism design.

2. Multi stories verandas where we can see inhabitants' everyday activities 道路側に配置された生活の見えるベランダ
Verandas are situated along roads except ground floor. We can see plants, holy shrines and washings on verandas. We can also see many inhabitants who are staying for a rest there. Elevation of a series of shophouses is a unique scenary where we can see inhabitants' activities.


3. Temporary space utilization on the sidewalk and shop activity on the ground floor 1階部分の店舗の賑わいと路上でのテンポラリーな空間利用
The sidewalks are not always used for walk but for the activities. On the sidewalks we can see the activies for living and business. Sidewalk space become main stage for their lives and businesses which connect the utilization of ground floor. Temporary space utilizations which emerge without the connection of the ground floor also can be seen.


Shophouse and Exterior Space Activity

Active use of sideway space in urban blocks is a charm of city in Phnom Penh. It is important to inherit the active use rather than to regulate it. In case a shophouse is rebuilt or a new building is built, it is desirable to build what can inherit the active use of sideway.

Ground floor of shophouse is used as restaurant, shop, office, factory and house. From the viewpoint of relation between ground floor and sideway, use of sideway can be classified into four types; extension type, closed type, independence type and movement type. Acts on sideway are classified into six types; stay, sell, work, display, life and parking.


In case the ground floor is restaurant or factory, sideway is used on extension type and it function as space for stay and work. In case the ground floor is shop or office, extension for sell, display and life can be seen. At an entrance of alley we can comparatively see shops of independence type and movement type.


Shophouse and Self-build

This study had the aim of explaining the mechanisms of autonomous spatial recomposition of shophousesin Phnom Penh (Cambodia), along with understanding the current status of spatial recomposition of these dwellings based on a field survey. 4 detailed case studies were chosen for analysis and it was discovered that 3 points can be raised as causes for spatial recomposition : (1) securing living space, (2) securing independence and (3) changes in access method and 4 locations can be raised as spacial recomposition locations :(a) dwelling unit interior, (b) residential block interior, (c) city block space and (d) between residential blocks.



(a) 7 main methods exist for the interiorof dwelling units. Among the 73 residences that wereeligible for analysis, it was confirmed that a-1: 55 hadadded a mezzanine (75.3%), a-2: 60 had added separaterooms (82.2%), a-3: 2 had expanded the residenceto the exterior (2.7%), a-4: 26 had added kitchens /bathrooms (35.6%), a-5: 3 had used the loft (4.1%),a-6: 4 had made the residence high-rise (5.5%) anda-7: 7 had closed the interior stairway (9.6%).

(b) 7 methods exist for the interior of residentialblocks. Among the 47 shophouses that were eligiblefor analysis, it was confirmed that b-1: 14 had interiorizedthe terrace (29.8%), b-2: 7 had appropriatedthe courtyard (14.9%), b-3: 14 had constructed smallrooms on the roof (29.8%), b-4: 23 had privatized corridors(48.9%), b-5: 12 had added stairways in corridors(25.5%), b-6: 20 had added kitchens / bathroomsin corridors (42.6%) and b-7: 1 had closed a stairway(2.1%).

(c) In city block space, it was confirmed that 3 methodsexist. Among the 38 buildings that were eligiblefor analysis, it was confirmed that c-1: 12 had privatizedalleys (31.6%), c-2: 2 had structures that connected the ground floor to an alley (5.3%) and c-3: 5had added stairways to alleys (13.2%).

(d) Between residential blocks, among the 48 buildingsthat were eligible for analysis, it was confirmedthat there were 3 forms of connection: d-1: 6 had connectionsbetween residences (12.5%), d-2: 3 had connectionsbetween residences and the interior of residentialblocks (6.3%) and d-3: 13 had connectionsbetween the interiors of residential blocks (27.1%).

(a) 住戸内部では、a-1:中二階の増築、a-2:個室の増築、a-3:住居の外部拡張、a-4:水回りの増築、a-5:屋根裏の利用、a-6:住居の高層化、a-7:内部階段の封鎖の7つ、(b) 住棟内部では、b-1:テラスの室内化、b-2:中庭の占有、b-3:屋上小屋の建設、b-4:廊下の私有、b-5:廊下に階段増築、b-6:廊下に水回り増築、b-7:階段室の封鎖の7つ、(c) 街区空間では、c-1:路地の私有、c-2:路地と1階の接続、c-3:路地に階段増築の3つ、(d) 住棟間では、d-1:住居どうしの接続、d-2:住居と住棟内部の接続、d-3:住棟内部どうしの接続の3つの手法が見られた。

In particular, it is characteristic that there is a high number of extensions to residential block interiorsand many instances of privatization of corridors, addition of kitchens / bathrooms, interiorization of terracesand construction of small rooms on roofs can be seen.

By organizing the spatial recomposition methods, it was discovered that 8 methods exist : (1) stacked layer, (2) installation of interior floors, (3) addition ofkitchens / bathrooms, (4) appropriation of space outside the dwelling, (5) fencing in space, (6) closing ofstairways, (7) installation of stairways, and (8) removal of walls.
